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Afternoon Tea: Savoring the Art of Slow Living
In an age where things are fast-paced and the time has become a relative concept, afternoon tea actually encourages us to take a pause, take a breather, slow down, reconnect and enjoy the simple things in life. In this article, you’ll get a taste for the art of afternoon tea.
Retirement Living on a Budget: Affordable Senior Housing Options Across the U.S.
As the cost of living continues to rise, many seniors find themselves facing financial housing challenges. However, there are still pockets of affordability where seniors can find apartments for under $250 per month. Keep on exploring to find out more!
Free Education for Elderly Learners in the American Universities
As retirement age creeps in, the elderly look for means through which they can engage themselves most if not all of the time. Luckily, most institutions of higher learning in the United States have free education programs, allowing older adults to complete a course without worrying about charges.
How CDs Can Grow Seniors’ Nest Egg
For seniors who want to safely expand savings, one option could be the Certificate of Deposit, or CD. How does a CD work? What are points to consider? Why is it a great addition to your financial plan? Take a look at the following now!
The World's Biggest Banks
As an important pillar of the global economy, the size and influence of the banking sector cannot be underestimated. The world's largest banks are typically measured by metrics such as total assets, market capitalization, deposit size or revenue. Click to access in-depth information on the topic.
Balancing Social Pleasure with Health: A Guide for Seniors Who Enjoy Drinking
For several seniors, meeting buddies sometimes consists of a lunch glass of wine, a beer pint, or perhaps a spirits tot. Though alcohol does quality to the festiveness of the gathering, it may be devil for a senior. The key lies in this article.