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Balancing Social Pleasure with Health: A Guide for Seniors Who Enjoy Drinking

For several seniors, meeting buddies sometimes consists of a lunch glass of wine, a beer pint, or perhaps a spirits tot. Though alcohol does quality to the festiveness of the gathering, it may be devil for a senior. The key lies in this article.

Coping with Osteoporosis in Older Adults

With advancing years, a person can experience gradual loss of bone density and strength, leading to increased risk of breaks, usually of the hips, spine and wrist. Fortunately, older adults are able to reduce the risks with appropriate management. Read on, and you'll be more aware.

Do Elderly People Need to Keep Taking Calcium Supplements?

Calcium is a critical mineral for bone integrity and the backbone supplement. But the question is: Is it still necessary for elderly people to take calcium supplements. This article discusses problems related to calcium supplementation in old-aged people.

Healing the Harm of Decades-Long Smoking: A Journey for the Elderly Who've Quit

Many who have smoked for decades, finally come to the conclusion that being a smoker is no longer the best lifestyle choice, and they make the decision to quit smoking, even at the end of their lives. The path to smoking-related harm reduction is complex, learn more about it here.

Staying Exercised at Home: Physical Training for the Elderly

It can be not easy for the older population to go out for exercise. However, many of the common exercises that older adults perform can be done in the comfort of their own home, which can help seniors stay active and healthy without leaving their house. Here are the details.

The Art of Foot Soaking for the Elderly: Choosing the Best

Our bodies undergo countless changes as we grow older, and so do our feet. For seniors, adding a little heat to a foot soak can be so much more than an extravagant treat. But with all the options out there, what is the best way for seniors to soak their feet? Here's a guide.