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Why Hair Health Matters More Than Seniors Think

Hair health, to a lot of seniors, is not merely cut and dried or, in this case, shiny and frizzy; it is the state of their being. Discover the reasons why thick, full and colourful hair is crucial to your self-confidence, physical well-being and lifespan.

Unveiling New Avenues for Unsold SUVs to Conquer the Automotive Realm

Unsold SUVs are a significant portion of the automotive market, and their potential can be harnessed through innovative strategies that cater to various aspects of SUVs. Dig into it for a deeper exploration of the subject matter.  

Free Education for Elderly Learners in the American Universities

As retirement age creeps in, the elderly look for means through which they can engage themselves most if not all of the time. Luckily, most institutions of higher learning in the United States have free education programs, allowing older adults to complete a course without worrying about charges.

What a Healthy Breakfast Include?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but we all live a modern-day life situation so either you don't have this essential meal or go for quick-fix items which are probably not healthy. But what exactly should you eat to get the most out of this essential meal? Here’s introduction.

6 Essential Tips for Older Adults Returning to College

Thinking about returning to college later in life? It’s an exciting, enriching, and maybe even intimidating adventure. Preparation and insight are what will often separate success from frustration. Here’s what you should know in advance of taking the leap!

How Seniors Can Cut Prescription Costs

Are prescription costs skyrocketing out of control? You are not alone. Seniors are being squeezed by the cost of their medication, but there are some ways to help rein in such costs.