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Get U.S. Free Tax Assistance for Seniors

The tax season is even scarier for seniors, but fortunately, many options are available to them to help file at no cost. The options below can cut any stress in half and make sure they get the assistance they deserve.

How to Floss Properly

Teeth condition is a part of our everyday lives that cannot be neglected, and the importance and significance of flossing cannot be ignored as well. Proper and correct flossing can effectively remove bad things between the teeth. This article will explain in detail how to use floss properly.

Can Seniors Ride Roller Coasters?

People of all ages like to consider going on a roller coaster for a thrill seeker adventure. But you may be wondering, what about seniors, can their older bodies handle the thrill of a roller coaster? Here are the traveling tips for seniors, including health considerations and benefits of travel.

Draw Borderlines Between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

They are not the same but Alzheimer’s disease is the most common disease linked incorrectly with dementia. In fact, it is a form of dementia indeed. So now let us consider why these two conditions differ in older adults and why knowing the difference matters so much.

The World's Biggest Banks

As an important pillar of the global economy, the size and influence of the banking sector cannot be underestimated. The world's largest banks are typically measured by metrics such as total assets, market capitalization, deposit size or revenue. Click to access in-depth information on the topic.

Natural Strategies to Maintain Hearing Health in Aging

Imagine a world where every conversation, laugh, or melody remains as vivid in your 70s as in your 30s. Intrigued? Here are scientifically-backed ways to naturally shield your hearing from the toll of time.

Presbycusis or age-related hearing loss is a degenerative condition that is usually caused by a combination of cochlear aging, environmental exposure, and genetic predisposition, among other health factors. However, there are certain ways to prevent the effects of the same. By being proactive, one can work on improving the quality of life and retaining their hearing capabilities for a longer period. Here are some of the natural and effective ways to delay hearing loss among elderly people.